My Guests, Reference Books

Chat on Twitter: The What and How of Author Chats on Twitter by Beth Barany

I’m delighted to welcome author and creativity coach for writers Beth Barany to my blog today!

Twitter, Social Media, Marketing, AuthorsAn Excerpt adapted from Twitter for Authors: Social Media Book Marketing Strategies for Shy Writers by Beth Barany

About Twitter for Authors:

Social media book marketing is key to building your author platform and to selling more books. For many authors, the idea of sharing themselves with the world through Twitter and other social media platforms can be petrifying. But in Twitter for Authors: Social Media Book Marketing Strategies for Shy Writers, you will discover simple ways to connect with your audience and potential readers.

In this easy-to-read guide, written by a shy writer, novelist and teacher, Beth Barany, you’ll find the confidence and encouragement to step into social media and the how-to steps on what to say, how to find your followers, and how to present yourself in 140 characters or less.

With a focus on Twitter, the author takes you through the principles you need to understand to make this medium useful to your writing career.


This article focuses on one of my favorite aspects of Twitter: author chats, both the informal and the formal ones. I’ll explain what I mean in a moment. Just know that communicating in this way allow writers to go from focusing inward on your current work-in-progress, to focusing outward and networking with other authors and industry professionals. When you network, you can become a better writer and sales person for your books.

Informally, authors can participate in ongoing discussions by using a phrase and the symbol of a hashtag, also known as the pound sign — #, for shorthand called “hashtags.” Some of my favorite hashtags are self-explanatory, once you see them.

•  #amwriting

•  #amediting

•  #writing

•  #writegoal

For more author and writing related hashtags, check out my list on my book’s resource page:

When I dive into the day’s editing or writing, I often use these hashtags to tell other writers what I’m up to, and then I sometimes offer and receive support. It’s nice to know that we’re all in this together! I especially love chatting with my friends Down Under, mostly Australia. Because of course I’m often writing at night and they’re up in the afternoon having their day.

Formally, chats take place at regular times, sometimes sponsored by other writers, sometimes by industry professionals. Here are a few: (I’ve participated in the first two.)

•  #askagent

•  #yalitchat

•  #litchat

•  #journchat

More Twitter chats are listed here:

All within the comfort of my own home, these chats allow me to connect with other writers and get advice from professionals. I love networking this way! Sweet!

To participate in these chats, you can use, or participate directly on Twitter by searching for the specific conversation with its corresponding hashtag.

From participating in live chats or just by using a hashtag, you can connect with other like-minded people, learn something new, and share about your book.


Search one of the author hashtags on Twitter by using the search bar on Then tweet in reply to other’s posts. Post a few tweets using your hashtag of choice.

About the Author

Creativity Coach for Writers, Beth Barany helps authors get writing, get published, and get marketing. Twitter for Authors is Beth’s third book for writers. Beth BaranyShe’s also the award-winning author of the YA fantasy, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, the first book in the Five Kingdoms series. For more resources on Twitter for authors, visit

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